Coolminiornot : The best open display of Miniature
Figurine Art on the Web.
Have a look around and admire the work of Figure painters from all
over the World.
Stop into the Forums and have a chat, It's just like Hotel California, You can check out but you can never

The Website for Jo Dale (Coolmini's KittyKat23UK)

Miniature Painters Guild Glyn Evans personal website (Coolmini's Zaphod)
Blackmoor: The website of Golden Deamon winner Angela Imrie (Coolmini's Saxonangel)
And a woman with a seriously wicked sense of humour.
Electric Ocean: The news , views, comments and updates from around the world
of miniatures, painting and gaming. (Coolmini's Yrret)
| This is the website for Irene Turner who's CMON alias is Zordana. She's developing into a very seriously talented painter
winning Golden Deamon Trophies in Australia in 2005. Definitly worth going to have a look at her website and gallery.